Thursday, 3 September 2009

First Overnight train journey survived

Hello everyone,

I'm standing in a hotel in Copenhagen after having washed last night's journey off me.
We spent last night on the overnight train from Cologne to Copenhagen - a sleepy 12 hour journey with a lovely lady who was very quiet until she fell asleep(!)

So far, since leaving Stockport, we have taken 11 trains by Jo's count. Pretty impressive for day 3. London was so gorgeous on Sunday afternoon - spent on my mum and Dad's boat on the Thames - that it was a wrench when we crossed the Channel to find Brussels was suffering from Manchester weather. That cleared up though and we found enough places to eat and drink that we soon warmed to its charms (particularly Mannequin Pis - Jo's favourite) The view from the Palace of Justice over the city in the sun on Tuesday was fantastic and we managed to eat cheese, chocolate, waffles and drink beer during our short stay. Highly recommend 'de la Morte Subite' bar !!

We've already lost the battle against the weather here and got drenched through. Jo is understandably taking some time to recover before we climb back into wet clothes and head out with ponchos to try to see the little Mermaid as we are only in Denmark for 24 hours. Then off to Sweden.

Better go and get sorted - time's a wasting. Will try to sort out photos soon.

Nick & Jo.


  1. Hi Trekkers. wow 11 trains already, pretty good going:). sounds like you are having fun. hope the weather picks up for you, its still naff here too. Those Poncho's were a good buy :)
    Take care of each other,
    Big hugs
    The Bells

  2. Hi Drummonds
    Sounds like you are having a fab time already, the weather really can't be any worse than it is here at the minute. Hope you are both using your hand sanitizer travelling on all those trains, ha ha!!!! Miss you both lots already, update again soon xxxxxxxx

  3. A postcard already - thanks, blimey thats quicker than sending something in this country. Sounds fun and Adam found the weeing statue funny :) where's next then???? xxxx

  4. Hello,

    Wow! You've travelled alot already hope your taking lots of pics for us all to see.

    Take care, lots of love Hannah & Jakey x x x x :)
    P.S Don't think about the peanut butter Nick!
